“Honey, I’m going to the Polish border to pick up some Ukrainians”

The 38-year-old Julia and her 10-year-old daughter Kristina did come along and now live in Braaksma’s house. “I have relatives in the occupied territory. Every day we communicate by text message and we hear the bad news about Ukraine,” she says.

To apply for asylum or not?

The Ukrainians staying with Braaksma are considering applying for asylum. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the IND has received 235 applications from Ukrainians. Today they were told at the application center in Ter Apel that the waiting time is five hours. The doorman expected that waiting time will continue to increase in the coming days.

In principle, Ukrainians can stay in the Netherlands for six months and registration with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) is not necessary. And because of the association agreement between Ukraine and the Netherlands, Ukrainians are allowed to work here without extra paperwork. Julia isn’t sure yet what’s best.

A spokesperson for the IND says that applications from Ukrainians are not actively being processed. But they do then enter the procedure, which means that shelter, health care and education are arranged. But then you can’t work.

Extra candy

Braaksma now lives from hour to hour. “Well, it does have an impact. In the first place on the family. I notice that my children are a bit more irritable. Daddy can I have another sweet? Normally it’s ‘no’. But if it becomes a struggle, do I still have a piece of candy, because it’s a bit crazy for all of us. But if you write down all the problems and you compare that to the problems these people have, what are we talking about?”

He doesn’t make long-term plans. “The next week, I just need to relax for a while. And if everything goes well, I want to go that way again. Julia would like to join me as an ambassador to tell people at the station what it’s like to do what she does. .”

Julia is grateful for the care she receives: “Thanks to the Netherlands. Thanks to Thomas’ family. Thank you to everyone who helps me, my daughter and others.”
