Asser family lives in a fairy tale, but is allowed to pay the bills of ‘the cheating baroness’

Equipped with a thick folder with clippings, correspondence, car brochures and, above all, many invoices, Jaap reconstructs the months that the Baroness stayed with his grandparents. The many newspaper articles do the rest. Because in January 1972, Annie de V. was front page news in the national newspapers. At the end of 1971 she responded to an advertisement in which the Boelens offered a room for rent. She was staying at Hotel Overcingel at the time, she said on the phone, where she found it cold and businesslike. She paid more than the asking price of 100 guilders per month and there was a party on Anreperstraat for two months.

She initially called herself Aunt Roos and generously gave Jaap Bos: “Yes, they soon found out. She had worked as a nurse at Nieuw Graswijk, indicated that she was of nobility and divorced, with a good income : a monthly allowance of 5,000 guilders. One of the reasons why she spent a lot of money, ‘otherwise I have to pay it in taxes’. She also always had money in her pocket, because she obtained loans from several banks, without identification. she did this in several places in the country. Apparently she could be very convincing. And with that money she was able to defraud the local shopkeepers and others by spending part of it. She was also really an appearance, from what I understand. “
