Father of missing Yoran thanks for help with search: ‘We are silent about it’

The father of missing Yoran Krol thanks everyone who helped in the search for their son on Saturday. The search for the 16-year-old boy from Sleeuwijk became the largest civilian search ever in the Netherlands. “We are silent about it,” his father Daniel wrote on social media.

Yoran has been missing since December 24. His bicycle was found a day later on the Merwede Bridge. On Friday, the police found his coat in the Merwede river, thanks to a tip.

Coordination Platform for Missing Persons (CPV) organized the search. The search started in Sleeuwijk at ten o’clock on Saturday morning and lasted until sunset. The search took place in a radius of about thirty kilometers around Sleeuwijk.

“It feels surreal that this is about our situation.”

Initially, the CPV reported that 1,500 people helped with the search. During the day that number grew to 2,500. This large number of volunteers made the search for Yoran the largest coordinated search for a missing person ever in the Netherlands.

“And that to our son Yoran. We are silent and it feels unreal that this is about our situation,” the worried father writes on social media. He also thanks everyone who contributed to the search.

“We hope and pray that he is found soon.”

“All the people who came to search, the Missing Coordination Platform for the organization, the police for their cooperation, volunteers who provided coffee, tea and soup, the first aid post that was opened spontaneously, restaurants, shopkeepers and residents of Altena who provided extra soup. and all others who contributed in any way.”

Despite all efforts, the missing teenager was not found. The police continue to investigate. “We hope and pray that he is found quickly and that everyone remains alert and continues to search!”, father Daniel concludes his speech of thanks.

Yoran’s aunt also thanked everyone who helped during Saturday’s search:


Missing Yoran’s jacket found in the water

This volunteer search team helps search for Yoran: ‘Last straw’
