Hollywood Hank: Family expresses emotional thanks after fundraiser

In order to be able to finance the funeral, the family launched an appeal for donations.

Shortly after Christmas, the music world received the news that German rapper Hollywood Hank had died in Spain at the age of 38. His two sisters then launched an online appeal for donations entitled “The Last Trip of Hollywood Hank” in order to be able to cover the funeral and repatriation costs. The plan is for Sven Pingel, Hollywood Hank’s real name, to find “his final resting place through a burial at sea,” just as he would have wished.

Just one day after the appeal, the donation goal of 10,000 euros was reached and the campaign finally ended with an amount of 11,834 euros. Almost 700 people donated money and left final messages for the underground musician.

“It’s a sense of community that Sven would have wanted.”

On the Donation page Hollywood has now left Hank’s family a thank you note that says: “It’s unbelievable. The goal was reached within 24 hours. We are so incredibly grateful and overwhelmed by so much participation and so much love that you left there and at the same time sent into the universe <3 This is a feeling of community, as it would have been in Sven's sense. Each and every one of you is a gift. 🙂 With the amount exceeding the target amount, the costs can now be paid almost completely. Honestly, we are basically speechless and very touched! Thank you very, very, very much! <3 Sven’s family”.

No further information about Hollywood Hank’s cause of death is officially known. His former label said goodbye to the artist via social media and gave insights into his life.
