Skating association Nieuw Moscou opens ice rink for local primary school | photos

The ice rink of the De Rieg ice skating club is open again! Photo: Andre Weima Photography

When the thermometer drops below zero, the hearts of the board members of IJsvereniging de Rieg in Nieuw Moscou start to beat a little faster. At that moment they did everything they could to open the ice rink.

Ice masters Botter and Jonkman walked on the smooth ice between the Nieuw Moscouwse meadows on Tuesday afternoon. “The ice rink is in fantastic condition and it has frozen so hard that the children from the secondary fortress Het Mozaïek can skate on it on Wednesday morning.” A school from Kerkenveld will arrive on Thursday morning.

The board hopes that the ice rink can also be opened to members and non-members.
