Letitia Vriesde participated in the Olympic Games five times, yet hardly anyone knows her

She attended for the first time in Seoul in 1988. In Athens (2004) Letitia Vriesde retired. The athlete who competed for Suriname, but lives in the Netherlands, is not well known here. Sports historian Jurryt van de Vooren will put her in the spotlight on Thursday in the Amsterdam Olympic Stadium.

The Olympiad also starts on January 1 of the year in which the Summer Olympics take place, Van de Vooren explains in Nowadays on NH Radio. “The Olympic Games are an event. The Olympiad is a four-year era.” Last week we started the 33rd Olympiad. Exactly one hundred years ago, the Games were also in Paris and Amsterdam started preparations for the 1928 Games.

Next Thursday, the door of Olympic Stadium number 2 will open for special stories that, according to Van de Vooren, are “worth sharing”. Vriesde, who turns 60 this year, is Suriname’s most successful athlete who competed in short and medium distances. In addition to five Olympic Games, she participated in a World Cup seven times.

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In addition to the story of athlete Letitia Vriesde, he also discusses how architect Jan Wils of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam came up with the idea of ​​how to have the stands built. “He was also at the Paris Games in 1924. The stands in Amsterdam are a copy of those in France. We also have photos of that. In his own archive we found photos of parts that he photographed. Even in France we know They don’t think they had any influence on that.”

The sports historian invites everyone to come by next Thursday from 7:30 PM and listen to conversations with people who have special stories. “When it gets busy, we move up a bit so that more people can join.”
