Doc – In your hands, where we were: the plot of the series

Dafter a two-year wait and the premiere at the cinema, on Rai 1 arrives this Thursday January 11th Doc – In your hands 3. The third season of the series with Luca Argentero: 16 new episodes divided into eight episodes of the doctors of the department Internal Medicine of the imaginary Ambrosiano Polyclinic from Milan. Where new residents arrive, and where Andrea Fanti will have to deal with the past. A different past than what they told him.

“Doc – In your hands 3” surprise: the first two episodes will be in cinemas

Doc – In your handswhere we left off, the plot

After fighting the pandemicfollowing which he died Lorenzo Lazzarini (Gianmarco Saurino), due to a new bacterium the Medicine department faces another quarantine. But Andrea Fanti (Argentero) has an intuition.

That is, giving infected patients an old antibiotic against tuberculosis. After some doubts, Giulia Giordano (Matilde Gioli) gives his approval. In a short time, the drug – even if it has the side effect of causing serious liver poisoning – proves to be more or less effective. Save the life of Riccardo Bonvenga (Spollon), while Alba Patrizi (Silvia Mazzeri) dies.

Meanwhile, Giulia discovers that, to disconnect Lorenzo’s tank to attach it to another patient, it was Carolina (Beatrice Grannò), and not Andrea, who instead had only covered his daughter. Despite her pain, he decides to forgive her. While in, Fanti must defend himself against the health director’s accusations Umberto Caruso (Massimo Rigo).

In “Doc – In your hands 3”, Luca Argentero is Andrea Fanti. (Virginia Bettoja)

Andrea Fanti is head doctor again

Accused of not having managed the emergency correctly from Covid-19, Fanti risks arrest. What weighs more than anything is the cover-up of Lorenzo’s death. With the help of the head physician Cecilia Tedeschi (Alice Arcuri) e of his ex-wife Agnese Tiberi (Sara Lazzaro), Andrea discovers that Caruso voluntarily acted to disqualify his conduct.

During the pandemicCaruso has indeed delayed the delivery of oxygen cylinders and other materials, so as to place the responsibility on Andrea. Delay that caused the death of some patientsincluding that of Lazzarini.

In the end, however, good triumphs, and the one arrested is Caruso. Fanti can return to his position as head physicianbut the working group lacks two elements: Gabriel Kidane (Alberto Boubakar Malanchino) and Elisa Russo (Simona Tabasco) who, after a long back and forth, finally get married and move to Ethiopia.

“Doc – In your hands 3”, Sara Lazzaro is Agnese Tiberi. (Virginia Bettoja)

Doc – In your handswho is Andrea Fanti

Now that Andrea is once again head of the department, he has several challenges to face. His story began when he ends up in a coma after a gunshot to the head. Once the critical phase was over, he was ready to get back on track, but he made a terrible discovery. The last 12 years of his life disappeared from his memory.

He doesn’t remember anything about what happened. He doesn’t know about the end of his marriage with Agnese nor about his relationship with Giulia. Above all, he doesn’t remember that his son Mattia died. The tragedy within the tragedy. Nonetheless, he takes the new life as an opportunity. He is a different man.

And after the long rehabilitation go back to practicing aiming this time not only on professional background, but above all on empathy. Patients are not just a number or cases to be studied. They are people who deserve love and understanding. Colleagues and, in particular the specialists, they are traveling companions to team up with. And this is why he earns the nickname Doc.

“Doc – In your hands 3”, Matilde Gioli is Giulia Giordano. (Virginia Bettoja)

What happens in the new episodes?

It all starts again with a flashback of Andrea about his old life. A fragment, a small moment, which takes him back in time and which rekindles the hope of recovering one’s memory.

Because although he took control of his life, he struggled to accept the black hole into which he fell. And knowing that perhaps recovering something is still possible leads him to investigate the past through the present. A past, however, which he will have to deal with and which risks undermining the balance. In particular, the one found with his ex-wife.

Agnese, in fact, was not entirely sincere when she told him about the end of their union and Mattia’s death. And then there is Giulia, today an upright colleague, but who has struggled to bury the feeling that bound her to him. What would happen if Andrea discovered the truth about the loss of his son and his relationship with Giulia? And how would this discovery affect life on the ward?

