The European Commissie brought a work reference to the Belgian Voorzitterschap of the European Union. This is a tradition – it is half a year after the Dagelijks bestuur van de Unie langs bij de Lidstaat die de komende zes maanden het roterende voorzitterschap op zich neemt.
KIJK. Ursula von der Leyen and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo put the logo for the audience
Normaal gezien zou het bezoek de hele dag in beslag nemen. Maar door het eerbetoon in Paris aan de pas overleden Jacques Delors, werd het programma bijgeschaafd. The Belgian representative will be represented by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, Minister of the Netherlands and Europe, Hadja Lahbib and the Federal Government and Regional Government, which will be voted on.
Volgens Commissievoorzitster Ursula von der Leyen is the dertiende voorzitterschap van ons land van “cruciaal” concern om “zoveel dossiers als mogelijk” after the rounds for the verkiezingen of June 9th. In the trains from Paris to Brussels, De Croo and Von der Leyen were awarded over the summer training of Europe in 2021-2027, which was announced in December in December, and on February 1, 2021, which was an extra top item . The dossier is also important for the stone with a long term for the Ukraine.
On the typical Belgian motorcycling homage also the official logo in the Belgian voorzitterschap. This will be placed on the Kunstberg, the “photogenic spot of Brussel”. The brakes are symbolic of a reusable chocolate fountain with the logo.
Eerbetoon en speciale guesten
Begin the next day to take the lead of the Commission with the Belgian even knees on the Egmontpaleis over the priorities of the Belgian Voorzitterschap, the strategic program of the EU and the work program of the Commission. The official ceremony is held in Bozar. Voorzitster Ursula von der Leyen zal er in aanwezigheid van king Filip en koningin Mathilde en korte toespraak houden ter nagedachtenis van Delors.
In the prestigieuze Henry Le Boeuf-zaal is de avond opgebouwd rond a work by composer Jef Neve, a eerbetoon aan the work of a anantal Belgian artists with international allure en optredens van speciale guesten zoals violist Lorenzo Gatto and zangeressen Selah Sue and Charlotte Adigéry.
ANALYSIS. He is in the Wetstraat ongeveer nobody, not even in Open Vld, who thinks that the Croo II he is coming (+)
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