Dodental aardbeving Japan loopt op tot 92, nog 242 missen | Buitenland

The shooting area of ​​Noto in the department of Ishikawa in the west of Japan was hit on the new day by a fire with a noise of 7.5, the police were taken by the dogs. Valley of buildings and roads in the region are vernield.

There are 33,000 people in the sea and 100,000 houses in the department with plenty of water. It is in the area and there is a lot of rain coming.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida spoke on Thursday of the “first ramp” in the country that was conquered by Keizer Naruhito in 2019 on the troon kwam. The Japanese overheid has been written to the Reddingswerk, on Thursday it was only a part of the period of 72 years, which was marked as a cruciaal word for the terugvinden van overlevenden na a natural ramp.
