Damaged car caught fire again in car fire, police now suspect arson

A car in a Hoofddorp parking lot that was seriously damaged in a fire on New Year’s Day was ablaze again last night. According to the police, it is likely that the fire was lit last night, but no trace investigation will be carried out.

Second car fire in four days in the same Hoofddorp parking lot – Photo: NH Media

The police currently do not have the capacity for that, a spokesperson says. Neighborhood research is being conducted.

This concerns the parking lot along the Hoofdweg Oostzijde, next to the Kievit apartment complex on Graan voor Visch. Last night around 10:30 PM there was a fire in a car (the white car in the photo above), which was extinguished by the fire brigade.

Under the hood

Today, the police informed NH that the car in question had already been damaged in a fire on New Year’s Day. According to the spokesperson, the fire was most likely the result of a technical problem. The fire then started under the hood of the car two parking spaces away (the gray car in the photo above) and spread to the car next to it and the car next to it.

The affected owner of the middle car had now had his wreck removed, as can be seen from the tweet below that local police officer Johan Dubbeldam shared on New Year’s Day.

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The chance that a fire that was extinguished four days ago will flare up again is negligible, according to the spokesperson. The police therefore suspect that last night’s fire was started in the previously damaged car, possibly with fireworks.

Three more cars

Cars were lost around New Year’s Eve, not only on Graan voor Visch, but also on Graftermeerstraat. That night, three cars burned down on the industrial estate, two of which were almost literally razed to the ground.
