No fireworks shows in Tilburg: ‘Couldn’t take the risk with this wind’

The bad weather means that the fireworks shows in Tilburg will not take place again on New Year’s Eve. Weather experts predict gusts of wind at a speed of 57 to 65 kilometers per hour. “That is twice as loud as allowed at these types of shows,” a spokeswoman for the municipality explains.

A total of four fireworks shows were planned in Tilburg this evening and night. The children’s shows had to start at seven o’clock at the Piushaven and in the Reeshofpark. These were canceled about three hours in advance due to strong winds. The same happened with the big fireworks shows scheduled at midnight at the same locations.

“Nothing is happening at either location now and we don’t want people to come for nothing.”

It is striking that the major fireworks shows in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Eindhoven, for example, seem to continue as normal. “In those other places, the fireworks shows are part of a larger event that also includes performances and light shows. We don’t have that in Tilburg and then people would now be on their way to the Piushaven and the Reeshofpark for nothing,” a municipal spokeswoman explains.

The strong wind is a spoilsport in Tilburg. “It’s really bad luck. According to our weather experts, a band of rain and gusts of wind is passing over the Netherlands and it is not about Rotterdam and Amsterdam, but about Tilburg. The wind gusts are so strong that we couldn’t take the risk.”

“The wind gusts are twice as hard as the legal standard.”

According to the municipality, wind gusts of up to 65 kilometers per hour are expected. “That is double the legal standard.”

It is the fourth time in a few years that fireworks shows in Tilburg have been canceled. This year there would also be a show during the Tilburg Fair. It threw a spanner in the works there too. Last year this was also the case on New Year’s Eve and the year before, in 2021, there were no shows due to corona.

“Not much demolition had to be done because we made the decision early.”

The municipality had already taken into account the possibility that the fireworks shows would not take place again. “Because we made the decision relatively early, there were few fireworks outside for the shows and little had to be taken down.”

Fireworks enthusiasts will still have the opportunity to enjoy two shows on January 1 at the Piushaven and in the Reeshofpark. We hope to welcome as many Tilburg residents as possible here and toast the new year together.”

The fireworks shows during New Year’s Eve are intended as an alternative, because private individuals in the municipality are not allowed to let off fireworks. Such a ban on cutting also applies to Eindhoven.


Late fireworks shows in Tilburg have also been canceled due to the strong wind
