“It competes with Junts to be the establishment party”

The leader of En Comú Podem in the Parliament, Jessica Albiach, has accused the PSC of Salvador Illa of being competing with JxCat “for being the establishment party” in Catalonia, which, in his opinion, places the Catalan socialists “More to the right” that the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez. This was stated in an interview with EFE, in which he denounced that PSC and JxCat “are endorsing all the postulates defended by the Foment del Treball employer association.”

“There is a obvious career between JxCat and the PSC for being the establishment party,” warned the leader of the commons, who sees ERC tempted to enter this competition, although without daring to do so at all.

This struggle between PSC and JxCat to be “the party of the establishment” is seen, according to Albiach, when “they defend projects like that of the Hard Rock, to build the largest casino in Europe in the Camp de Tarragona, and also with some proposals that are made to fight against the drought”.

Against Aragonès’s “erratic course”

“We also saw it the other day in the Parliament,” he added, “when Junts voted against and the PSC ended up weakening a decree to regulate the tourist rentals, since in Catalonia we have 100,000 tourist apartments, which are not available to those families who need” housing.

In his opinion, the executive of Pere Aragones “it is a transitional government built from the old logic” and, on top of that, “it has an erratic course, because being in the minority should not mean that PSC and JxCat end up setting the agenda, and I think that on too many occasions we are seeing it” .

“We are attending a unprecedented situation in our country, and the PSC is further to the right than the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez, and I believe that this has never happened before,” he highlighted.

For Albiach, the “rightist” drift of the PSC is also observed in the Barcelona City Council, where the mayor, Jaume Collboni, “he is increasingly looking more at Junts and less at Barcelona en Comú.”

In his opinion, Collboni “is much closer to Xavier Trias” than to the commons and, furthermore, “he is reversing many of the policies that we had approved, and this surprises me.”

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The commons voted for Collboni as mayor believing that the PSC “would open a window of opportunity to consolidate progressive policies,” recalled Albiach.

“But if he ends up agreeing with JxCat, he will have to explain very well to the citizens of Barcelona, ​​who mostly voted progressive, this decision, which is completely incomprehensible“warned the parliamentary leader of the Commons.
