TV review | Thank you for your help in ‘crime year 2023’

There is a village for Dutch elderly people in New Zealand. ‘Our Village’ is located on the outskirts of Auckland. The residents, emigrants from the fifties and sixties, eat croquettes and salted herring there every month. In an interview for NRC they told them to follow the news about the Netherlands: there were migration problems and a lot of crime. They watched it via BVN-tv, the public television channel for Dutch and Flemish people abroad News, EenVandaag and Investigation requested. And you could see that things were not going well in their home country.

Who knows, maybe they have it too Investigation requested Annual review looked. Just from the commercial break preceding the program, which advertises a security company, it can be concluded that an audience is watching that is easily frightened. The overview covered ‘the crime year 2023’. Presenter Anniko van Santen listed a series of successes from the past year, alternating with a series of cases where the golden tip had not yet been given. What will be solved in 2023: a ‘sexual offense involving a child’, an attempted liquidation of one of the so-called ‘tattoo killers’, a ‘horrible shooting incident’ in Zwijndrecht (the perpetrator is called Lucky) and a robbery at a gas station in Beetsterzwaag (the perpetrators turned out to be ‘two underage boys from Drachten’). All solved thanks to us, ‘You, the viewer’, Van Santen does not stop emphasizing. All these crimes are happening under our noses. It is important to pay close attention, you can help the police and earn a lot from it (“30,000 euros for the golden tip”).

In the annual review, just like in regular episodes, the suggestion was made that crime is just around the corner. Research has already shown that the viewer of Investigation requested is more anxious about the world than the viewer who tunes to another channel – loyal viewers think that crime in the Netherlands is increasing, while there has been a significant decrease for twenty years.

No problem for that Investigation requestedThere are always serious crimes, so there are also plenty of inconsolable relatives who can tell their stories. Not that that helps to solve the crime, but it gives such a case emotional depth, something that is emphasized by Van Santen when she explains in an unctuous tone how painful the death of a child is. We, that is, “You as a viewer”, must put an end to “the hell” that these families go through every day in exchange for 30,000 euros. Because “You always think along with us.” Investigation requested for those who want a safer Netherlands… Those who do not believe Van Santen, listen to the warning of the police who urge the viewer to always be alert, for example for a “man with dark skin and a hood”.

If all this gives a one-sided picture of the position of the Netherlands, they may be able to tune in to the situation in New Zealand News quiz from RTL4. In the second episode, the news knowledge of three teams was tested – not surprisingly, the win went to Team Journalists. For example, one had to know whether it was true or not that former SP party leader Lilian Marijnissen stood with her legs wide in the air. Playboy had been, Max Verstappen was the cover of Time and the water museum in Arnhem itself was flooded.

Hopefully they have looked in New Zealand, then they will see that everything is not too bad in the Netherlands. Of wars we have, You as News quizviewer, no problem. A man pulled his glass eye out of the socket to show the Feyenoord logo, the queen is also for Feyenoord and the king is for Ajax, the election result was ‘special’ and to win this quiz you had to know how much deposit a beer can. There you can ‘Our village’ live with it.
