Bollards against loading and unloading nuisance in the center of Hoogeveen in use in February

From February next year, trucks and parcel services will no longer be able to enter Hoogeveen’s Hoofdstraat. Retractable bollards should put an end to inconvenience caused by loading and unloading (freight) traffic. The municipality also hopes that the area will become safer for pedestrians.

The posts, which automatically emerge from the ground, were installed in March. But due to delays they have not yet been put into use. The connection to the power grid was delayed and the municipality had to adopt a new policy to issue exemptions. The prices for exemptions also had to be adjusted, the municipal council recently announced.

The posts will be officially put into use in February. Residents and entrepreneurs who need to be on Hoofdstraat can apply for an occasional or permanent exemption. Emergency services always have access to Hoofdstraat.

Last year, the CDA, Municipal Interests and the VVD received complaints from local residents that irresponsible situations were occurring in the center. Freight traffic would cause nuisance and even damage the Hoofdstraat. Parcel services would also cause problems.

It was decided to clear the area of ​​traffic. Supplies will soon have to be done via the rear of Hoofdstraat as much as possible.
