Special system for the Super Cup match from İsmail Kartal in Fenerbahçe!

Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray, one of the locomotive clubs of Turkish football, faced each other in Kadıköy last week in the Super League race, which they continued point by point. There were no goals scored in the match where both teams played timidly. All eyes are now on the Super Cup match in Riyadh. In Fenerbahçe, İsmail Kartal is trying many different systems. The experienced coach, who prioritizes the system based on the team’s habits, will either take risks or increase precautions according to the score. Fred’s return was especially a relief. The Brazilian will be in the 11 again, so the pieces will fall into place.


Ismail Kartal moved İrfan Can Kahveci to number 8, the region where he played for the National Team for a while. However, the experienced football player was below the expected performance here. When he moved to the right in the second half, Canary had more ball. Kartal will use its experienced football player in the Super Cup match where he is accustomed. He introduced Michy Batshuayi late into the game in Kadıköy. This time, he will try to put psychological pressure on the opponent by throwing him on the field earlier. Kartal wants to play aggressively and with contact, just like in the match in Kadıköy. He conveys this to his students at every training session.


Fenerbahçe could only win 1 of the 6 matches in which Fred did not play. His return increases both the performance and morale of the team.
