Citizen Impulse requires placing the Spanish flag inside the Palau de la Generalitat

The Asociation Citizen Impulse has formally requested the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonesto place the Spanish flag inside the Palau de la Generalitat, and has warned that it will file a contentious-administrative appeal if this request is not met.

In a statement, this entity, which defends the values ​​of the Spanish Constitution and the presence of constitutional symbols in public institutions, argues that in the meeting between Pere Aragonès and Pedro Sánchez on December 21, the Catalan president appeared before the media alone with the senyera -Catalan flag- on his back, while the President of the Government did so accompanied by the Catalan and Spanish flags, as in the photographs in which the two leaders appeared with the flags behind them.

The requirement registered by this association, which presides Jose Domingoalso assures that on the Generalitat website the senyera is only shown in various rooms of the Palau de la Generalitat.

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For this reason, it demands the “immediate placement of the Spanish flag in the manner legally and legally mandated by current regulations” inside the Palau de la Generalitat, next to the Catalan flag.

Outside the Palau de la Generalitat, both the senyera – the Catalan flag – and the Spanish flag fly..
