Outrage over nativity scene in Italy because Jesus has two mothers: ‘Where has Joseph gone?’ | Abroad

In the Italian hamlet of Capocastello di Mercogliano in the province of Avellino, not far from Naples, two mothers stand next to Jesus instead of Mary and Joseph at the nativity scene. Priest Vitaliano della Sala wants to show that there can be different types of families and families, besides the traditional family. But that has sparked anger among conservative Catholics and politicians in Italy.

Foreign editorial

Opponents consider it blasphemy and, according to them, it is also against the teachings of the church. Italian senator Maurizio Gasparri of the right-wing ruling party Forza Italia called it an “insult to everyone who has always had respect and devotion for the Holy Family.” The group Pro-Vita & Famiglia (For Life and Family) also called the scene ‘dangerous, but also shameful and blasphemous’. A petition has been set up to have the Bishop of Avellino intervene. The petition has already been signed more than 21,000 times.

“In our parishes we see more and more children from the new types of families that exist and are part of our society, children of divorced and separated people, gay couples, singles, young mothers,” defends Father Vitaliano della Sala of the Church of the Saints Peter and Paul are presented to the Reuters news agency. According to the father, who is known in Italy for his sympathy for the LGBTQ+ community, his nativity scene is following the example of Pope Francis, who this week allowed Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples , as long as it is not part of a church ritual or service, such as a wedding. The decision to bless gay couples is seen as a breakthrough and recognition for Catholic LGBTQ+ people.

The Catholic Church does not yet allow gay couples to marry. Francis emphasized that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman. During his ten years as pope, he tried to open the church more to homosexuals. Within the Catholic Church, homosexuality is not considered a sin, but homosexual acts are.

Having two mothers or fathers and having children through surrogacy is illegal in Italy. Gay parents are therefore not allowed to adopt in Italy. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, from Italy’s largest (and neo-fascist) party Fratelli d’Italia, recently banned two mothers from being listed on a birth certificate. The Italian parliament is in the process of passing a law that will also ban lesbian or gay couples from moving abroad.

Outrage over nativity scene in Italy because Jesus has two mothers
