CD&V Oost- en West-Vlaanderen confirm candidates for the Flemish and federal districts | Inland

The provincial party of CD&V Oost-Vlaanderen will have its first names declared for the Oost-Vlaamse candidates for the federal and Flemish districts from June 9th next year. He will be accompanied by Vincent Van Peteghem and Nicole de Moor, who will respect the children. Ook in West-Vlaanderen maakt CD&V de namend. He also played part of Hilde Crevits as a French singer and Nathalie Muylle as a singer for the camera. Opvallend is the voormalig partijvoorzitter Joachim Coens lijstduwer wordt op de federale lijst.

Op de Vlaamse lijst krijgt De Moor het gezelschap van Robrecht Bothuyne on plaats twee, Joke Schauvliege on three, Abdil Kara on four and Laure Nkundakozera Uwase on vijf. Stijn De Roo is the first opvolger. The federal lijst wordt dus door Vincent Van Peteghem, with Leentje Grillaert on the two plaats and Jan Vanderstraeten on the ground. First artist is Phaedra Van Keymolen.

Beeld ter illustratie van Peteghem © BELGA

“The sales area for CD&V over respect for all the other people is the best in life. Respect for everyone who does what is necessary. “The neighborhood we are looking for is also resolute for people with both voices in the same leving,” says Van Peteghem. “We are neighborhoods for stronger parliamentarians who also have the following years for their own sake and for local forces with strong wortels in the community of the city.”

Volgens De Moor is a strong plant for seeds. Het zijn “stuk voor stuk gereven mensen en harde werkers die de komende jaren mee willen bouwen aan sea respect. “Mere respect for people who are inzetten voor one seedleving, die associations draaiende houden en kmo’s uit de grond stampen.”

Joachim Coens has the federal lijst voor CD&V in West-Vlaanderen

Op diezelfde lijst krijgt Muylle het gezelschap van Franky Demon on plaats two, Katrien Desomer on plaats three and Felix De Clerck on plaats four. First volunteer is Lynn Callewaert. The song was written by Joachim Coens for the first time. Coen’s story was taken for half a year with a bad bearing, and the places were made for Sammy Mahdi.

Op de Vlaamse lijst prijkt na Crevits Bart Dochy on plaats twee, Loes Vandromme on plaats three, Brecht Warnez on plaats four and Herlinde Rollez on plaats vijf. The first volunteer is Kris Declercq. “I’m a happy hiker. The federal plot is a mix of experience, talent and intelligence. We have seeds for a stronger West-Vlaamse stem in Brussels,” says Nathalie Muylle.

Archetype of illustration.
Archetype of illustration. © BELGA

“Een Lijstvorming is geen eenvoudige opening, we strive for this to be a good even weight of ervaren and young candidates. We then make the first names known to the French Parliament. The coming weeks are coming before we leave. I am now grateful for the seeds with the Krachten can be bundled with the property of 1.2 million West-Valmingen te verdedigen in the verkiezingen in June following year”, aldus and Hilde Crevits.

In the loop of January and February the names of the other candidates were announced.
