The Canal Tunnel is open: the Eurostar train is open to the public | Nieuws

The staking at the Kanaaltunnel is open. Het spoorverkeer tussen the Verenigd Koninkrijk en het Europese vasteland kan derdagavond hervatten. Eurostar reports that the train transport is in the same word, with a normal service regulation from Londen, Paris and Brussel.

Bij het personeel van de uitbater van de Eurotunnel aan de Franse kant, Getlink, was donderdag rond de middag a spontaneous staking uitgebroken. Then he was able to get through the Canal Tunnel spurs.

30 connections are canceled

Hst operator Eurostar has to cancel all other trains on Thursday. In total there is such a connection between Brussels and London, and Paris and London. Ook train operator LeShuttle, the voertuigen and hun inzittenden per train door of the Canal Tunnel, must have their services opschorten.

“deterioration of the social climate”

The staking was due to the risk of a “loss of the social climate”. Volgens Getlink also has a bonus of 1,000 euros.

Donderdagavond around 7.30 p.m. can be issued before the staking is announced. “The workers were able to make the work harder and harder to deal with, and the results were obtained with the directive, and the results were obtained from me,” said Franck Herent, the contracting officer of Getlink, in Coquelles.

“This akkoord maakt de geleidelijke hervatting mogelijk van de treindiensten van LeShuttle vanaf deze avond en van Eurostar vanaf tomorrow,” says Getlink.

Vrijdagochtend everything was normal

Eurostar is investing in a response to the train traffic that is normal. “Klanten who are hit vandaag, hebben Rechtstreeks report kregen over hun reis en hadden de optie om hun tickets gratis om te ruilen of hun geld terug te vragen,” sounds the nog.
