Perfect gift, 9 tips for last minute ideas

THEThere is little time available and ideas are scarce: the perfect gift it seems like a mirage, and it’s easy, in the frenzy, to stumble upon it silly mistakes dictated by anxiety.

Not just poinsettias: 8 plants and flowers to give as gifts

To help the undecided and the laggards all over the world, L’Italian Academy of Etiquette drew up i 9 tips for arriving at Christmas with the perfect package. Because “good manners are always useful to us and especially during the holidays”, he explains Samuele Briatorepresident of the Academy and author of The rules of good manners (Newton Compton).

1. Never forget your ticket. Sometimes it’s more welcome than a gift

A personal phrase, a sincere thought, something that makes the person receiving the gift feel unique. A thoughtful dedication makes any gift appreciated.

2. Do you give a book as a gift? Whether it’s something you’ve read or something that has meaning

A good book is always a great solution. However, it is strictly forbidden to choose it from the cover. To avoid gaffes and avoid making a bad impression, just buy something you know, something you may have loved.

3. Plants? Only for those who love plants

Plants are beautiful, they decorate, they are a heartfelt gift, rich in meaning. Overall, a nice thought. But only as long as the recipient knows how to appreciate them and take care of them.

4. The perfect gift is food: local

A good oil, a particular jam, a bottle of wine: it’s difficult to go wrong when you give something to put on the table. But without performance anxiety: often a typical product, purchased a few steps from home, is preferable to something more international.

5. The “useful gift”? Better not

No one doubts that socks are always useful, but they certainly don’t warm the heart under the tree. There must be a thought behind the gift.

6. Furnishings, no thanks

A rule to understand if the gift is right or not. If it’s destined to gather dust, leave it alone. So no to furnishings, ornaments, objects without a purpose.

7. Give the gift without comment

It is strictly forbidden to flavor the moment of exchanging gifts with small talk to make it clear how valuable, refined and expensive your gift is.

8. Home made only if you have self-criticism

“Made with your own hands” above the age of 8 is not recommended. Unless you have exceptional qualities. High levels of self-criticism required.

9. The package is also part of the gift

No to obvious designer labels and anonymous bags. The same rule applies to the wrapping as to the card: a beautiful paper, a well-made bow will make the recipient of the gift feel even more special.

