Eastern Committee is concerned about employees of German companies in Ukraine and Russia

From the point of view of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, Russia is jeopardizing its economic relations with the Ukraine war.

“It’s currently less about the sanctions and their consequences and more about the question of whether we will still have significant economic relations with Russia in the future or not,” said the association’s chairman Oliver Hermes on Tuesday. “The faster the Russian government stops this war, the more of these relationships can still be saved.”

It is beyond any discussion that the German economy supports the imposed sanctions, Hermes added. The most important thing now is the safety and life of the people in Ukraine. “These include many thousands of employees from German companies.” There are many offers of help from member companies.

“But our concern also applies to the German companies in Russia, which may be forced to stop production and lay off many thousands of employees as a result of this war,” Hermes explained. The successes of the Eastern Committee as a bridge-builder would be massively called into question by the attack on Ukraine. We appeal to our Russian friends and partners to influence the government and help end the war. (dpa)
