First residence location for Ukrainians open today in Amsterdam | news item

News item | 01-03-2022 | 16:17

The first Ukrainians who have fled to the Netherlands and need residence can report in Amsterdam from today. A first residence location has been set up here for 80 people from Ukraine. The cabinet is in talks with the municipalities of Zaanstad, Haarlem, The Hague, Ede and the Ministry of Defense about the reception of Ukrainians.

This is the first reception of Ukrainians. In the meantime, the cabinet is preparing larger-scale reception facilities together with municipalities and social partners. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee will refer people who need shelter at the border to the available locations. Ukrainians who are already in the Netherlands and are wondering where they can go can report to the municipality where they currently reside. Municipalities can contact the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) if they have questions about how to act.

Many other municipalities also want to contribute to the reception of Ukrainians. The VNG calls on these municipalities to report to it, so that a national picture is created of where refugees can go.

Not only municipalities, but also organizations such as the Red Cross, Vluchtelingenwerk and the Salvation Army have offered help. In addition, we see many heartwarming initiatives emerging. It is currently being mapped out exactly what that aid looks like. The government is very grateful to all parties for their offered support and initiatives.

“Very good to see that municipalities and civil society organizations are ready to offer help to people fleeing Ukraine. Our policy is always to accommodate people in the region as much as possible. Now Europe is the region. If people come to the Netherlands, we will take care of them if they need it,” said State Secretary Van der Burg of Justice and Security.

For the time being, many Ukrainians are being taken care of in the direct neighboring countries of Ukraine, where they often stay with family and friends. However, the Netherlands is ready for people if they do travel on.

Residents of Ukraine can enter the Netherlands without a visa, thanks to the association agreement that the EU concluded with Ukraine in 2017. People with a biometric passport are allowed to stay here for 90 days in any case. That is why people from Ukraine do not have to go to an asylum seekers center in the first instance. After all, they already have the right to reside in the Netherlands. That is why special accommodation locations are set up for these people.
