Career: How to motivate yourself for everyday work

What can you do to be more motivated and in a better mood when you go to work in the morning? This is a question that many people are concerned with. We have put together some special tips.

Morning ritual

Some people do fitness training in the morning, others enjoy reading the daily newspaper with a cup of coffee. There are different ways to start your day. But you should definitely use this time, because the morning hour has a significant influence on the rest of the day.

set priorities

You can then get to work on the tasks at hand. Here too, the approach to everyday work is very individual. Many people create a to-do list to get an overview of their daily tasks. Others prefer a list of one to three daily priorities. Whichever type you choose, both lists have one thing in common: checking off a task makes you feel really happy.

However, you should remain realistic and not set goals that are too big. If you are not able to achieve one of your daily goals and the to-do or priority list ends up lengthening, then this can quickly turn into a motivation killer.

The right focus

Often it also depends on your own attitude and focus. Why focus on constant dissatisfaction? Allowing your focus to continually revolve around negative thoughts could lead to it gaining an ever-increasing presence in your thoughts and feelings. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on positive content, which is also known as intelligent psychological hygiene. You should only dwell on negative thoughts as much as is absolutely necessary.


As much as you want a pleasant working day, a bit of a challenge is also part of it. Because routine can be comfortable, but you can quickly feel bored and unmotivated. It is therefore important that in life you are sometimes thrown into the deep end and confronted with difficult situations and tasks. In addition to the fact that it gives you the opportunity to grow and learn, it makes you feel more alive and wide awake. Last but not least, learning processes ensure feelings of happiness.

Colleague cohesion

Material factors such as salary do not necessarily have to be important for a motivated and productive everyday working life. Often it is also recognition and cohesion in the team. Having pleasant colleagues with whom you can have a chat every now and then or spend time outside of working hours can help you feel happy and motivated to go to work in the morning.


But in order to build a good relationship with colleagues and customers, it is important to make a contribution yourself by being careful towards them. This also makes you feel more alive. You could better absorb what the other person is saying and gain their sympathy and trust. Last but not least, you are able to act in a targeted manner and make consultations more effective. In the end, you have not only won people over personally, but possibly also acquired new orders.

Movement during the break

Sufficient exercise is particularly important for physical and mental health. Taking a walk to the nearest park or shopping at the supermarket during your lunch break can have positive effects on motivation and productivity. If that’s not enough to get you feeling fit again, you could also try a short office workout.


When you laugh, stress levels in the body are reduced, the immune system is strengthened and happiness hormones are produced. In addition, 300 muscles are tensed from head to toe, 17 of which are in the face alone – which requires similar demands to competitive sports. Laughter is therefore good for both the body and the soul. You could also put it like humor researcher Michael Titze told the Hamburger Abendblatt: “When you laugh, positive interpersonal signals are sent that promote team spirit, creativity and motivation in the company.”

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