Australian lost 17 million (!) frauduleuze sms’en | Buitenland

In Australia, a 39-year-old man has been charged with 17 million fraudulent SMS reports. This comes over with a report for the people in the country.

The residents of Sydney were reported by some consumers of fraudulent policy. Hij stuurde sms’en met valse links diezogenaamd afkomstig waren van concessionhouders van tolwegen of the post. Op the manner testerde hij gedupeerden money afhandig te maken. The text messages will be sent out with the help of a ‘SIM box’, which can then be sent out.

The man was now accused of the use of the network apparatus “of a seriously misdrijf te plegen”. Hij is op borgtocht vrij en zal voor de rechter different on January 17th.

“Phishing via SMS reports is one of the most used tactics from the bank and the people involved in the fraudulent sale,” Aldus Jason Smith from the cybercrime-eenheid van de politie. Volgens Scamwatch, the cijfers zamelt via phishing, zijn Australians this year for 92 million Australian dollars (56 million euros) opgelicht via phishing.
