Tesla Roept 2 Miljoen Auto’s Terug in VS om problems with Autopilot | automobile

In 2021, the driver started to operate on the Autopilot of Tesla, after a few weeks. The American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has now also received information from Tesla about the new software from the Autopilot, which has been introduced.

“Automated technology offers great opportunities for advertising in public areas, as it is responsible for the word. The actie vandaag is a voorbeeld van het beteren van the geautomatiseerde systems, with priority given to you in a safe manner”, report the toezichthouder. The onderzoek on Tesla has been completely controlled according to the NHTSA open and the oplossingen of Tesla.

The autopilot is based on the car’s automatic movement within a short period of time, accelerating and remmen. This can be used to advance the version of the Autopilot to help you know how to navigate quickly. Because of the toezichthouder it is really a “verhoogd risico op ongevallen” in situations where the rijhulpsysteem is ingeschakeld and wordt he onvoldoende gezorgd the drivers zelf blijven opletten bij the use of the Autopilot.

Tesla can update the autopilot software via a wireless connection if there is a problem.
