Amsterdam flag maker is busy, demand for Ukrainian flag has increased considerably

The demand for the flag of Ukraine has increased considerably in the Netherlands. Huib Faber of Faber Vlags in Amsterdam is refilling his stocks like crazy. “It’s a lot what we get for applications.”

He normally sells a dozen Ukrainian flags a year, but this number has doubled in the past few days alone. “And it just keeps going,” Faber says.

It is mainly many private individuals who quickly need a flag. “They want to take them to a demonstration,” explains Faber. But many municipalities and authorities also want to have a large flag. “To put a heart to the Ukrainians.”

When producing

At the flag store they are currently very busy replenishing their stock. “Our stock is geared to the demand, so we are fully engaged in production.” So for the coming time they have enough flags for those who want. “Today there will be a batch and tomorrow too.”
