Big Brother 2023, news and previews of the new episode

THEthe past that returns. It could be this the subtitle of the current edition of Big Brother 2023. Because the soap opera about the ex-couples present in the house (reached three), tonight at 9.35pm on Channel 5 it will go on for a good four hours.

Big Brother 2023: the cast according to rumors

Big Brother 2023the previews of the twenty-fifth episode

Last Monday Alfonso Signorini announced the entry of a new competitor: Monia La Ferrera. To most people the name means nothing, but to a competitor it does: she is the ex-girlfriend of Massimiliano Varrese. They were together fifteen years ago and their story collapsed after a year, at the actor’s request.

In recent days, Varrese apologized for ending the relationship without giving explanations. «Too late», replies Monia, and the actor presses on, adding: “It’s never too late to apologize”. Time, however, heals wounds and there is no hatred or rancor between them. Indeed, they are united by an evident harmony.

Monia, then, stands up to him and gives no room for clashes or bickering. She knows him and knows how to push him. For his part, Varrese seems happy with this unexpected meeting and who knows whether forced coexistence is the harbinger of a new page. Certainly, they will be among the protagonists of the new episode.

“Big Brother 2023”, Monia La Ferrera and Massimiliano Varrese. (Endemol Shine Italy)

Greta: «I’m sorry about Perla»

Massimiliano and Monia are not the only ex-boyfriends present in the house. For weeksIndeed, the Canale 5 audience can follow the vicissitudes of Mirko Brunetti, Greta Rossetti and Perla Vatiero. Mirko and Perla broke up after participating in Temptation Island 2023 and immediately afterwards Brunetti began a relationship with Greta, the program’s temptress.

Now all three are single, but the dynamics are constantly changing. When Perla entered the Big Brother 2023 the relationship with Mirko has improved. Anger gave way to affection and it seemed they were getting closer again. The idyll, however, was ruined by the arrival of Gretawho shuffled the cards.

After a moment of initial friction, dialogue has returned between Greta and Mirko. And they also found a way to talk about their relationship and discuss how things went. Is it really a closed story or will Brunetti struggle to share the same roof with his ex-girlfriends? In recent days, then, he has shown some difficulty in managing his relationship with both.

Meanwhile Perla appears intimidated by Greta’s presence and he had a moment of discouragement with Monia. “Before she got closer,” she complained, referring to her ex. In general, He’s not going through an easy time. Greta noticed it and said she was sorry. «I seem careless. I’m sorry about Perla, but what can I do? It’s not due to me, but to him”, she said through tears and Rosy Chin, who reminds her that “you wanted to stick yourself in here. And now you find the same courage again. You have to like yourself, you have to not care.”

“Big Brother 2023”, Greta Rossetti. (Endemol Shine Italy)

Big Brother 2023Mirko and Perla among the nominated competitors

Tonight’s episode also reserves space for televoting competitors. This time there are only four: Anita Olivieri, Mirko Brunetti, Perla Vatiero and Sara Ricci. Sara is the latest arrival and has had little time to get into the dynamics of the game. However Anita ran into a warning from the authors for having received a message from her mother hidden in the box of some drugs that were delivered to her. And that’s why she was officially nominated.

Furthermore, she is not particularly appreciated on Twitter and who knows, the time may be approaching for her to leave the loft. Mirko and Perla, on the other hand, seem to be the most protected. Viewers want to know what will happen and what will be the developments of the newly reconstituted love triangle.

Regarding the other tenants, Beatrice Luzzi and Vittorio Menozzi enjoy immunity thanks to the public’s preferences. Marco Maddaloni and Letizia Petris are the house favourites, while Letizia was saved by the columnist Cesara Buonamici. Instead, Greta Rossetti, Monia La Ferrera, Rosanna Fratello and the latest arrival, Federico Massaro, were not mentionable because they had only recently entered the reality show.

