Van driver starts tailgating behind police officer’s civilian car: 7 tickets

A driver in a van chose the wrong victim to harass in West Brabant on Wednesday morning. The man started tailgating because he was in a hurry and did not behave like a gentleman in traffic. Unfortunately, his target was a cop in an unmarked police car. He ultimately paid the driver a hefty bill for his antisocial driving behavior: seven tickets in a row.

Written by

Frits van Otterdijk

The officer in question has neatly written down his experiences and distributed them on Instagram. “This morning I drove in an unrecognizable police vehicle near the A58 Etten-Leur. A van passed me in a hurry and was continuously close to its predecessor. While he was doing this, he was also on his phone.”

The beginning of a remarkable adventure, both for the van driver and the police officer.

“I decided to follow him for a moment.”

“I decided to follow him for a moment to see what his driving behavior looked like. I noticed that he was pushing his predecessor quite a bit. When there was room, the speed increased to about 140 kilometers per hour. “, the police officer notes.

“We now turned onto the A16 and immediately went back to lane 1. You may have guessed it, but we also immediately started tailgating again. Apparently this did not go fast enough and we were even overtaken on the right.”

At that moment the officer wants to intervene. “We turned onto the A59. Enough for me to give the driver a follow-up sign and take him for a check.”

But unfortunately, the officer wrote, there was quite a bit of traffic and no way to overtake the driver. “At Made, I managed to pull in front of the vehicle. The follow police sign was turned on and the speed was reduced. Neatly indicated the direction to the gas station on the A59. When I drove onto the exit lane, the driver decided to continue driving. “

“Flashing light and siren on and follow behind.”

The sequel is anyone’s guess. “Flashing light and siren on and followed. In the meantime, the control room was informed of the chase. It didn’t take very long until the driver realized that he was never going to win with his van.”

The vehicle was stopped by the police in Oosterhout. The driver could not show a driver’s license or identification.

“He did give a name….”, the police officer has to admit. “He had remembered his first and last names correctly, only his ‘mother’s’ birthday was in November instead of June. A few verification questions and the driver’s license photo were enough to assume that he gave a false name. This meant that he was was arrested and had to be taken to the police station.”

“He still had 51 weeks in prison to serve.”

Once in a safe haven, the driver of the van appeared to still have 6 alerts open. And he still had 51 weeks in prison to serve. With a small chance of escape, because the officer reports: ‘He still has 2 weeks to object to this. After that, these become irrevocable.’

What the driver certainly cannot escape is the extensive list of violations he committed on Wednesday morning. The officer was attentive enough to note the following violations during the trip.

  • Hold the phone
  • Tailgating
  • Overtake on the right
  • Speeding
  • No ID on him
  • Provide a false name
  • Driving without a driver’s license

It is not known what the bottom line will cost. But a nice surprise on December 6 looks completely different.
