Tudelano summary and goals

12/07/2023 at 01:12


In a counterattack, Moleiro and Munir teamed up to give the island team a place in the round

The Navarrese team fought to the point where they dreamed of reaching penalties, but the dream was frustrated in the 124th minute

A goal by Munir El Haddadi in the last play of extra time gave Unión Deportiva Las Palmas qualification for the next round of the Copa del Rey against Tudelanoa Second Federation team, whose outstanding match against a rival from the highest category had a cruel outcome (1-2).

The Navarrese team, who completed a great match and were on the verge of forcing penalties, had a corner kick in their favor in what seemed to be the last play of the match, and were surprised in the subsequent counterattack, led by Moleiro and finished by Munir with a shot that the local goalkeeper tried to catch, and the ball slipped through the long post making a parable.

Tudelano was very close to the miracle and he had already shown signs of it in a notable first part. Despite a shot against the post by Marc Cardona after a defensive error, the locals had the best chances, which were thwarted by an inspired Aarón Escandell.

Las Palmas suffered from set pieces from corner kicks and lateral fouls. Borja Vicent shot high in the 5th minute, in the first black and white warning. A failure in the delivery led to a one-on-one by Marc Cardona against the local goalkeeper but the Catalan forward shot at the base of Pablo García’s right post.

Since then, Tudelano began to accumulate very dangerous arrivals, almost always surprising behind the yellow defense, where the Dutch left-hander Sinkgraven, as a right back, struggled to contain the local advances.

Álvaro García and Dani Santigosa began to test Escandellwho also had to intervene in an arrival from behind by full-back Mario Sánchez and in a shot by Irurita from the edge of the area.

The Gran Canaria team monopolized the ball but made it circulate slowly, in a very predictable way, but in a quick play and with the first touch, almost like a video game, he stripped Tudelano the center with a final pass from Marc Cardona to Sory Kaba for the forward to push the ball into an empty goal in the 38th minute.

It was a very harsh punishment for a Tudelano who had deserved better luck, but before the break he found the right reward after a recklessness by Pejiño, with a tackle from behind on Colau inside the area; The penalty was converted by Joel, tricking Escandell low.and leaving the tie open for the second part.

The script did not change after the break, although with the condition of the wear and tear accumulated by all the players; Tudelano continued defending with order, without making changes – only four field players as substitutes – and threatening in transitions, although not as frequently as in the first period.

Goalkeeper Pablo García rejected a foul by Benito Ramírez in the 70th minute, but Tudelano also had another clear chance in a yellow defensive indecision with a low shot from Joel that once again thwarted Escandell in the 83rd minute.

The Navarrese team made its first change in the 86th minute and survived until the end of regulation time to force an unexpected overtime.

In added time, and despite the presence on the field of players like Moleiro, Saúl Coco, Munir and Julián Araujo, Las Palmas continued its particular jam against a rival faithful to its game planvery close in the center, covering all the interior lanes, although already very fatigued, almost without oxygen to search for the rival goal, but with one last option: reaching penalties.

The yellows pressed in the second half of extra time, with shots from Munir, Julián Araujo and Saúl Coco, and with aerial balls in search of Sory Kaba, but he found the prize in the most unexpected way: a corner against him, and a counterattack by Moleiro that Munir finished with a strong shot., with an error by the local goalkeeper. There was not even time to take the center and the Tudelano was left with honey on his lips, in a cruel end to his cup-winning dream.
