Kayla Shyx talks about her future in ROLLING STONE

People over the age of 27 may not be able to do much with the job description of “creator”. By definition, “creators”, “content creators” or “digital content creators” are people who are involved in the creation of multimedia content. In short: content makers are of very different natures.

In practice, these digital beings oscillate between independent DIY indie from the cute teenager’s room and candy-colored marketing slogans from posh hotel floors in Dubai.

The boundaries between “journalism”, amusing belly button navigating and blatant product advertising are fluid. In the sober description it still sounds like this: “In general, works of a graphic and/or computer-aided nature fall into the area of ​​digital content creation”.

So when the message about the “Most Trending Video” comes on the clip channel YouTube, it doesn’t herald the beginning of the season of the year-end charts, which has already begun in many places, but also has a lot to do with the rock scandals of 2023.

On the information page of the Germany department of YouTube it says unctuously:

“The top trending video from Germany with over six million global views this year comes from Kayla Shyx. Their comprehensive video “What really happens at Rammstein Afterparties” has sparked numerous reactions and debates in a short space of time. In total, the video, which is over 35 minutes long, has over 66,000 comments…”

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A “long-form video” that kept the German-speaking media landscape in suspense for weeks; to a cover story in the Hamburg news magazine “Der Spiegel” and general excitement in the bourgeois camp of the feature pages and literary publishers.

In the cover story of the December issue of ROLLING STONE, recorded and “created” in the Berlin music venue “Posh Teckel”, the West Berliner, who now lives in Amsterdam, presents her favorite album by the US alternative rock band The Neighborhood.

Kayla Shyx

During the conversation in Neukölln, she also announced that she wanted to follow her own musical path in the coming year. The corresponding tracks have been written and the first studio recordings have been completed.

When asked whether she wanted to announce anything else about the “Rammstein case”, especially in view of the hard-fought Hussle with the star lawyers of Till Lindemann and comrades; only the following: “Everything has been said about this from my side!”

Jasmin Schuller

Jasmin Schuller
