Ine Francisconi: “Hero or Villain: the difference is in the journey towards self-leadership” – Brand

These choices can manifest themselves from consciousness or unconsciousness, from altruism and service to others, or from selfishness and the search for power at the expense of others. Values, the way we direct our actions and how we use our Personal Power defines the nature of our leadership and determines whether we become a beacon of inspiration or a shadow that stands in the way of those around us. In this delicate balance, each choice shapes not only our individual destiny, but also the impact we leave on our communities and the world we share.

The villain energy uses leadership as a tool to satisfy personal desires at the expense of others; using it to dominate, divide, confront, instill fear, control through manipulations and egoic technicalities. Instead, the hero directs his Personal Power to unite, contribute from trust, love, peace, enhancing the talents of those who follow them. In the latter case, leadership becomes a positive force that nurtures and empowers others. The authentic hero understands that greatness lies not in domination, but in collaboration, well-being and mutual elevation.

Starting the hero’s journey is essential to achieving fulfillment in leadership with a high positive impact. This path involves a journey towards self-awareness, where self-exploration, self-regulation and reflection are fundamental pillars. By delving into the depths of our being, we gain clarity about our values, strength in the face of challenges, and wisdom in our development. The hero, the true leader, is one who embodies the energy of resilience and authenticity to lead with integrity in pursuit of a purpose that magnifies all.

Ultimately, the choice between being a hero or a villain lies with each individual. I invite you to reflect on this journey in my book, “The Hero’s Journey. Self-leadership: the first step of the leader”, where we further explore the stages of this internal odyssey, as a preliminary step, to lead from your greatness and build memorable epics.

The choice is yours; the trip, exciting. Now is your time!


Ine Francisconi

Leadership & Power Skills Coach

Instagram/LinkedIn: @inefrancisconi

WhatsApp: +54 9 11 6821 2020


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