Love to the test: previews of the third episode

Giro di buoy for Love on the testthe program of Real Time aired on Wednesday at 9.20pm and conducted by Giulia De Lellis together with the psychologist Matteo Radavelli. In this third episode Valentina and Tommaso decide to abandon the program while their respective partners, Jeniffer and Massimiliano, will have to choose whether to follow them or not.

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In the meantime, the games of glances between Monia and Lele are increasingly intense While Ugo and Lorena have fun like kids. Flirting amiably amidst laughter, food and wine weekends and some domestic squabbles.

Love on the testthe previews of the third episode

Valentina and Tommaso

After observing their respective boyfriends, Jeniffer and Massimiliano, having fun at the disco and relaxing half naked by the pool, the “new couple” in the last episode he threatened to abandon the program. The anger has died down, Valentina she talks to her best friend, who encourages her to continue the experiment. Trying to overcome his jealousy once and for all.

The blonde is convinced and tries to do the same with Massimiliano, more and more determined to pack his bags and go home. «I would like to be less jealous but I can’t» the rally driver confides to the authors and Valentina tries to distract him with an aperitif on the Navigli. The two laugh and joke but he he continues to think obsessively about Jeniffer.

Tommaso, one of the contestants of “Amore alla prova”. (Real Time)

After further reflection, Tommaso raises the white flag and tells production that you want to close who. «His possessiveness decided» comments the psychologist Radavelli and, consequently, Valentina also has to leave the program.

Jeniffer and Massimiliano

Still unaware of what is happening to their respective partners, the two spend days relaxing. Between swimming in the pool, gymnastics and aperitifs in the garden. Massimiliano, always very attentive to the Italian-Brazilian, he fills her with compliments and encourages her not to suffocate herself due to Tommaso’s jealousy.

«We have established a wonderful relationship, I feel like I’ve known her my whole life» she confides to the authors while the girl finally feels free. «I’m tired of Tommaso’s possessivenessI will no longer accept his impositions” says Jennifer but everything is about to change radically.

Matteo Radavelli in fact goes to the couple’s home to tell him that Tommaso and Valentina dropped out the experiment. “For the umpteenth time he didn’t respect her» comments Massimiliano and now the two have to they decide whether to leave the program themselves. Or continue their coexistence.

Lorena and Ugo

For the friendly Romans, the time has come to move on a few days away from home, as foreseen by the experiment, in the name of relaxation. So they go to a country estate for a food and wine weekend. Between “vinotherapy” baths and succulent aperitifs at sunset.

Lorena, one of the contestants of “Amore alla prova”. (Real Time)

Lorena, however, alternates melancholy with some temptation. “I don’t want to let myself go with another man,” as he declares to the authors. Ugo fascinates her but her love for Lele (her husband) seems to be winning at the moment. Returned home. the two argue over Lorena’s poor housekeeping skills but they are short-lived disagreements since both confide in each other their mutual interest.

In fact, Ugo, while continuing to love Monia (his partner), he doesn’t want to give up the well-being and carefreeness that Lorena gives him. How will the situation evolve?

Lele and Monia

Also there closer-knit new couple of the program prepares to pack his bags for spend a weekend away. Mountain destination where, between trekking and climbing, the two breathe a freedom that was missing in their respective relationships. «I’m discovering a new “me”» declares Monia (Ugo’s partner) and she likes it very much.

Lele and Monia in an episode of “Love at the test”. (Real Time)

Then they spend the night in a tent suspended between the trees, something perhaps too intimate that makes Lele waver a little. The judo instructor (Lorena’s husband) in fact confides in Monia about think longingly of his wife.

Upon returning home, it’s up to them to observe, through a video, what their respective partners are up to and, as expected, all hell breaks loose. If Lele observes in silence, and essentially calm, the physical “liveliness” of her Lorena towards Ugo, Monia explodes in a fit of hysterical jealousy seeing his partner flirting a bit with the busty Roman.

«I make him find the bags outside the door» he shouts. See you next Wednesday to find out what will become of the two couples remained in the “game”.

