Asylum seekers are allowed to work more than 24 weeks per year | News item

News item | 29-11-2023 | 12:21

The government is adjusting the rules for asylum seekers who want to work, after the Council of State ruled today that the 24-week requirement is contrary to the European Reception Directive. Asylum seekers are allowed to work more than 24 weeks a year if their asylum application has been pending for at least six months.

Asylum seekers are only allowed to work if the employer has a work permit. This permit is requested from the UWV. Now that there is clarity from the highest administrative court, a work permit can be issued immediately for longer than 24 weeks.

Minister Van Gennip: The ruling of the Council of State provides clarity for asylum seekers who would like to work more. They contribute to our society and learn the language faster. Employers now also know where they stand if they employ an asylum seeker.

Other obstacles

Status holders, or asylum seekers with a residence status, now often have difficulty finding a job. This is partly because they are only allowed to do temporary work during the asylum procedure. Regioplan has conducted research into obstacles for asylum seekers to find work. In addition to the 24-week requirement, the evaluation of foreign diplomas and the work permit requirement also emerged. Various options are currently being developed to limit or remove obstacles, so that the next cabinet can decide on this.
