A surprise was revealed from the roof of the new home – An expensive bill

Grand Designs Finland is showing a special episode today.

It was quite a surprise, as a Helsinki native Maria Klemetz bought a new home with his family. A fitness survey was also done. Maria tells her story Grand Designs Finland in a special episode.

The house completed in 1939 in Käpylä Taivaskallio was not an impulse purchase. A suitable home had been searched for a very long time. When one was found, we proceeded according to the textbook. There was a need for a complete surface repair, that was clear, but that would be resolved in a couple of months.

Maria Klemetz says in the program that no structures were opened in the fitness survey. – You can wipe a puddle with that. David OWeger, MTV3

Except that it didn’t work out, and the surface repair was replaced by a thorough overhaul. Two months turned into two years in the blink of an eye.

The whole truth began to be revealed when the interior ceilings of the house were opened to renew the electricity.

– There was black soil instead of insulation, Maria tells her colleague, an architect Sampa for the Lappans on tv.

– It turned out that the insulation had received moisture in two thirds of the house. Of course, the structures had rotted in it with the black soil.

Maria Klemetz and her family wanted to preserve as much of the old as possible in the renovation. That is why, for example, the windows have not been renewed. David OWeger, MTV3

There has been a lot to do and to renew. As an architect, Maria has been able to harness her own skills, and the residents have also participated in the work at the site. Despite that, the renovation has come at a hefty price: no less than 650,000 euros. It is clear that acquiring a house has been regretted along the way.

– Yes, in the middle of the renovation, when the ceilings and walls were open in every direction, I really regretted it, Maria admits.

Hitting the gloves on the counter still didn’t even cross my mind.

– Yes, it had to be completed when it was started.

– In the end, everything is for the best, but it has required sacrifices, time and money, Samppa Lappalainen says in the series. David OWeger, MTV3

Maria hopes that the house will still be standing in a few hundred years. However, one condition must be met in that case: the house must be maintained according to orthodoxy. According to Maria, the previous residents had gone astray.

– Regarding the previous owners, what had gone wrong here was that the house had been poorly maintained and repaired incorrectly. That’s why the renovation was so expensive. Yes, a wooden house can last several hundreds of years if it is kept in good condition.

Grand Designs Finland today on MTV3 at 20:00 & Katsomo. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
