Fans were outraged by the changes to Doctor Who

We have three new special episodes of Doctor Who.

It’s true: David Tennant is returning to Doctor Who. Disney+

British fans were outraged when the cult series Doctor Who took part in a children’s charity event last week.

The reason, of course, was not the BBC’s Children In Need campaign per se, but the content. The evil scientist Davros was seen practically reborn, healthier than ever and above all on his feet. The showrunner responsible for the series as a whole Russell T Davies explained the change The Daily Mail according to the fact that it no longer felt good to him to associate a disability requiring the use of a wheelchair with evil.

Viewers disagreed. They accused the production of rewriting history, among other things.

In the Children In Need clip, Doctor Who was interpreted by a good old man David Tennant, who was actually seen as the Tenth Doctor between 2005 and 2010. Now Tennant is reprising his role – and he will also be reprising his role in future special episodes as the 14th Doctor. There will be a total of three hour-long episodes and they will celebrate the series’ 60-year history. Best of all, unlike Children In Need, these episodes can also be seen here.

The Toymaker is Doctor Who’s most terrifying enemy. Disney+

The first special The Star Beast will be released on paid Disney+ today. Second, Wild Blue Yonderwill be available to watch in a week and the third, The GiggleDecember 9.

The new story brings not only the 14th Doctor to the screen, but also his friend from 15 years ago, Donna Temple-Noble. He is still being played Catherine Tate. In a new adventure, the unbeatable duo have to face their most terrifying enemy yet, the Toymaker. The character will be seen making his Doctor Who debut Neil Patrick Harris. The patterns also feature Donna’s daughter Rose (Yasmin Finney) and elsewhere Meep. The voice of the latter is heard Miriam Margolyes.

Donna and the Doctor are together again because Donna is alive too. Disney+

Doctor Who: The Star Beast today on Disney+. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
