how to democratize your cloud data thanks to data storytelling?

By the end of the year, more than half of business data will be hosted in the cloud. This is the observation made by Toucan Toco, a data-driven and data visualization platform, in its latest white paper in which you will discover 5 concrete ways to use data storytelling in order to democratize the use of data based on the cloud within your company. Data storytelling is a new complementary approach to analytics, based on a simple premise: not everyone understands numbers, but everyone understands stories.


An ebook to understand everything about data storytelling

In this white paper, you will discover how cloud analytics and data storytelling can work in a perfectly complementary way and change the way organizations use data. Cloud infrastructures make it possible to make data available to everyone. As they are not easily readable, data storytelling allows the members of your different teams to be able to interpret and use them, to improve the performance of your company.

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By downloading Toucan Toco’s white paper, you will understand how the power of storytelling can unleash the potential of data. This new method makes it possible to bring analytics within the reach of people who would not have considered using the data for their decision-making.

A new way to put data to work

Data storytelling also streamlines cloud analytics for teams that already use cloud data by making it easier to make decisions. In concrete terms, this is what data storytelling is used for:

  • Empower non-technical teams
  • Protect your data
  • Tearing down the silos between data
  • Provide instant data
  • Adapt analytics to changing needs

In short, the cloud has enabled companies to make a major transformation. To achieve this transformation, it is necessary to be able to exploit its full potential. In this ebook, you’ll discover why data storytelling is emerging as the final piece of the puzzle that will enable users across the enterprise to use data effortlessly and effortlessly. According to Toucan Toco, “data storytelling is the best way to bring an organization’s data to life”.


Now that you’ve invested a significant amount of money to move your data to the cloud, it’s high time to put it to work. Download the Toucan Toco white paper to understand everything about data storytelling.
