Police are holding a new flash marathon today | Domestic

With this announced control action, the police primarily want to encourage drivers to press the accelerator less deeply and to always and everywhere adhere to the permitted speed limit. “Many drivers still minimize the dangers associated with excessive speed,” it said.

During the flash marathon from October 5 to 6, 2022, 4.23 percent of the drivers checked exceeded the permitted speed limit, and 318 driving licenses were revoked for driving too fast. During the eighteenth speed camera check, at the end of April this year, 4.56 percent of the drivers checked (26,382 in total) drove too fast. Checks were then carried out at 635 places.

Excessive speed is one of the main causes of traffic accidents, together with drunk driving and cell phone use behind the wheel. The higher the speed, the more serious the consequences of a traffic accident, according to the federal police.
