Relationship education against violence against women

L‘he hit her violently, until she was rendered lifeless’. She dragged her and put her in the trunk of her car and after stabbing her 20 times he took it his body and hid it in a cliff by covering it with black bags. This is the reconstruction of the last hours of Giulia Cecchettin’s lifethe 22-year-old girl who according to investigators was killed by her ex-boyfriend Filippo Turetta, arrested in Germany.

Lella Costa: feminicide fatally wounds the entire society

Violence against women is fought starting from school

And like every “after” the femicide, indignant voices are raised: we must start from school, male education must change, deaths that smack of patriarchy not yet dissolved. How much noise around that tortured body of a twenty-year-old who was about to graduate and who would begin a life full of surprises, if someone hadn’t decided that life didn’t belong to her. Now all that remains is the pain, the dismay, the desire to punish those who committed this heinous act. And there are still many things to do, one would think from the growing number of women killed by exes. Among these there is also the “relationship education” hour in high schools, decided by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditarapart of a plan against violence against women for the school.

The plan of the Minister of Education Valditara in schools against violence against women: an hour of “relationship education” (Getty)

An hour of relationship education: the Valditara plan

This is an extra hour in class, for three months of the year, but in extracurricular hours and for three months of the year. Twelve meetings in total, with students sitting in a circle, divided into “discussion and self-awareness” groups, a teacher at the center to act as moderator. And then the occasional support of psychologists, lawyers, social workers and the involvement of testimonials close to young people: influencers, singers, actors. These are the guidelines of the draft “Valditara plan” drawn up by the minister.

Violence against women, how much needs to be done…

The novelty was supposed to arrive on the shelves as early as September, but it had been postponed. Now, however, femicide number 83 of a university student one step away from graduation it has rejected the attention on the all-Italian educational abyss of affectivity and sexuality. Just think who we are among the only six European countries that have not made sex education compulsory at school.

Breaking the trail of blood, always the same words

In addition to the hour of relationship education, an awareness campaign in schools and a campaign to disseminate the anti-violence toll-free number 1522, also through the involvement of the world of sport. Information, therefore, and the school as the cornerstone, the Government’s ideas to break the blood trail of male abuse of women.

Italy among the five countries with the most feminicides

Ideas that do not seem to be successful at the moment, however Italy being among the five countries in Europe with the most feminicides. The Bel Paese, which evidently is not so beautiful, is, together with Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Spain, the nation where women must be most afraid of being killed. Perhaps there would be a need for real legal recognition of the phenomenon, as has been done Cyprus which has included the crime of femicide in its legal system. In Italy, in fact, there are aggravating factors for domestic and sexual violence, but to date there is no aggravating factor for the gender motive which was the objective of the Zan bill, which however was rejected.

