Hazes exes Bridget Maasland and Sarah van Soelen respond: ‘Tired’

Bridget Maasland and Sarah van Soelen, two of André Hazes Jr.’s well-known exes, respond to the singer’s latest revelations. “I’m the most Hazes-tired of all!”

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If Yvonne Coldeweijer doesn’t bring it, André Hazes Jr. will do it himself: the second season of his soap series on Videoland has started with a generous helping of juice. His mother Rachel Hazes in particular had to pay the price. He hints that she is indeed the one who is his personal breakup letter leaked to Sarah van Soelen.

Sarah responds

What does Sarah think about it all? “We have had some contact with Sarah van Soelen,” says show expert Bart Ettekoven at the desk Show news. “Of course she wasn’t in that first series because she wanted to be cut out of there. We asked: ‘Are you ready to watch with a bag of popcorn?’”

Well, not exactly. “She says: ‘No, I may be the one who is the most Hazes-tired of everyone.’ We were a bit surprised about that, because we thought she always had very good contact with Rachel.”

Done with Rachel

Patty Brard semi-surprised (she is in contact with Sarah herself): “But that is no longer the case?”

No, Sarah is also done with Rachel, Bart reveals. “No, that also seems to be a thing of the past. She let us know that she is actually done with the whole family.”

Patty: “Well, in fact, she let me know that if one word is mentioned about her in that documentary, then she is in the starting blocks with her father, so it is not that the contact has been diluted, as she let us know today, but I believe that the contact has really deteriorated explosively.”

One sneer

Sarah had another one juicy sneer in store? Yes, says Bart. “She gave one more sneer to our editor. She said, ‘I hope the documentary makes him a lot of money, because he seems to need it.’”

Patty: “Although he says he didn’t earn anything from it, but that still seems strong to me.”

On to the next Hazes ex: Bridget Maasland. Yesterday she suddenly spoke out about André at the desk RTL Boulevard. Colleague Luuk Ikink: “It’s all over my head, Bridget, that you said that you watched this documentary this afternoon. How are you watching? Are you even really watching?”

Bridget responds

Yes, Bridget watched too, she says. “Yes, I’m really watching, I’m going to sit down for that. Yes, actually in a very good way, I mean: two years ago when André came out of the addiction clinic, he called me and apologized and for me that actually closed the whole chapter. So yes, I just have to be able to do my job, you know, and he often passes by here.”

Luuk: “It’s a bit crazy, but it’s your job.”

Bridget: “It’s just my job. Absolutely fine. I feel completely fine about that.”

‘She deserved it’

André really treated Bridget in a terrible way. He pretended that she was the love of his life, but before she knew it he was secretly hooking up with Monique Westenberg in some beach toilet. So painful.

So those excuses? “I think she deserved that,” says Patty.

And Bart: “Yes, that wasn’t very nice.”
