Rainbow flag of Heerhugowaard theater destroyed, following the example of primary school

After the rainbow flag was destroyed at the Het Mozaïek child center in Broek on Langedijk, the Cool art and culture theater in Heerhugowaard decided to order and hang a flag in solidarity. But that was short-lived: that flag was also destroyed.

The rainbow flag has not even been there for a day, says theater director of Cool art and culture, Lineke Kortekaas. “We read an article about how a rainbow flag was destroyed at a primary school last week Broek op Langedijk. We thought that was so unfair in a municipality where inclusion is of paramount importance.”

Role for the arts and culture sector

With that in mind, Kortekaas ordered a rainbow flag, which arrived last Tuesday. “We lifted him right away, but unfortunately it was short-lived.” On Wednesday morning, a colleague arrived at work and saw that the flag was gone. “The ropes used to hoist the flag and the pulleys were broken.” Kortekaas suspects that the flag was violently removed.

Kortekaas indicates that she is not surprised, ‘because the flag is always up for discussion’. But she is angry. “I speak on behalf of Cool; we believe collaboration and inclusion are very important. Everyone matters. It is important to send that signal from the arts and culture sector, that is our task.”

Kortekaas wanted to report the crime, but is still talking to the local police officer about whether there are camera images of the Coolplein in Heerhugowaard.
