General: Riitta-Liisa Roponen returning to the World Cup

Roponen, 45, is still hard hit.

Riitta-Liisa Roponen Jussi Saarinen

According to Yle Urheilu Riitta-Liisa Roponen is making a comeback to the Cross Country World Cup.

According to Yle Urheilu, Roponen, who finished sixth in the 10-kilometer freestyle skiing competition of the Olos Cannon Games at the weekend, is looking for a place in the 10-kilometer intermediate start to be skied in Jällivaara, Sweden, at the beginning of December.

Roponen, 45, ended his active career in the spring of 2022. Despite this, the world champion and Olympic medalist has continued competitive skiing.

The success of the weekend showed that Ropose’s mono is still eating. In Olos, the women of the national team were left behind Krista Pärmäkoski and Kerttu Niskanen.

Roponen announced on Sunday that he does not want a place at the opening of the mc season in Ruka.

Instead, I am interested in the 10-kilometer race with an intermediate start in Sweden a week later. The matter is confirmed to Yle by the responsible coach of the women’s national team of Finland Ville Maunuksela.

Based on Roponen’s performances, Roponen has appealed to the team competing in Jällivaara, if Ruka does not see numerous Finnish successes. In a possible balance situation, the scale tilts towards the national team skier.

Cross-country skiing needs Russians, say IL experts.
