Claudia de Breij is pissed off and puts Diederik Ebbinge down as a job grabber

Claudia de Breij is quite annoyed by the erasure of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. He has been mercilessly replaced in almost all of his programs. “There’s something grotesque about it.”

© NPO, Wim Kluvers

Made a mistake at the NPO? That will cost you very dearly, as Matthijs van Nieuwkerk and Tom Egbers have discovered. Tom has been silently put aside for good at Studio Sport Eredivisie and Matthijs is also being increasingly erased. He had already been replaced in most programs, but now he also permanently loses his child Top 2000 A Gogo.

Job grabber

The new presenter of that festive music quiz? Diederik Ebbinge. “I was quite surprised by the phone call. But of course I immediately really liked it and immediately said ‘yes’,” he responds.

A job picker, Claudia de Breij seems to think of him. She resists within her VARA guidecolumn emphatically against the complete erasure of Matthijs. “Can Matthijs van Nieuwkerk already leave the reserve bench? What exactly research still needs to be done and why is it taking so long?”


Claudia finds it uncomfortable that all kinds of TV colleagues are standing up to steal Matthijs’ programs. “No matter how justified the accusations are, his regret has also been expressly expressed.”

She continues: “And – unless the victims don’t think that is enough (they are the only ones who really have the right to speak) – it becomes something grotesque that Patrick Lodiers now presents The connection and Diederik Ebbinge enters the Top2000 Café. The latter is of a meta level that Promenade can take a cue from.”

Shit culture

According to Claudia, the DWDD scandal has been a good thing, but she says we should not exaggerate. “I am overjoyed that the whole Hilversum shitty culture of barking (and worse) at people who work for you is finally being exposed, and that this is now having serious consequences, but how long should they last?”

Long, apparently. “Matthijs is still at home.”
