Competition for Rutte in race for NATO leadership | Abroad

Mark Rutte has faced competition in the race for leadership of the NATO alliance. Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas also says she is interested in the top job.

During an interview at a magazine meeting Politico Kallas was asked whether she would like to be considered to succeed NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. She replied, “yes.”

She hinted at her interest by saying what she had recently heard: that NATO’s new leader would have to come from a relatively new member state, that the country of origin would spend at least 2 percent on defense and that it would “be nice.” if finally a woman will lead NATO. “So it is logically a smarter step,” said Kallas. She made it clear that she meets the three conditions, something that Rutte cannot say.

Also read: Here critics may be tired of the Rutte method, but abroad they are not.

‘Very interesting’

In October, Rutte called the highest position within NATO ‘very interesting’ and that he ‘could still contribute something’. He emphasized at the time that it would also be good if a woman were to fill that position, that he would “not lobby for it himself”, but also said: “If it rolls my way: maybe yes,” said Rutte.

The Prime Minister claimed for years that he would become a teacher, but cautiously backtracked on this on Budget Day. “Eh. You only live once. You must contribute something positive to society. As a teacher you do that.” But will he do it or not? “I’ll think about that some more later.”

Mark Rutte during a VVD election campaign on November 11, 2023 in Haarlem’s Generaal Cronjestraat in the run-up to the House of Representatives elections. © ANP
