Assen and Noordenveld are among the top sustainable contracting companies

The municipalities of Assen and Noordenveld are doing well in terms of sustainable procurement of projects. Assen is eighteenth in the national top 25 of public clients that engage in sustainable procurement, Noordenveld one place lower.

This is evident from research by Bouwend Nederland. The study compares publicly published tenders over the past seven years. This involves looking at which agency is most committed to sustainability. The list mainly includes municipalities, provinces and water boards, but also a school foundation.

The province of North Brabant has been at the top of this list for the past five years and this year is no different. The municipality of Houten is second. In the Northern Netherlands, Groningen is doing well with a fourth place. A contracting authority receives a higher score if sustainability plays an important role in awarding the contract.

Sustainable procurement of contracts is becoming increasingly normal. The number one from 2019, North Brabant, would now rank 36th with the same score as then.
