Sinterklaas arrival 2023 in Zoetermeer: ​​this is the weather forecast

Look, the steamboat from Spain is arriving again! Like every year, Sinterklaas comes to Zoetermeer, but will it remain dry during the Zoetermeer Sinterklaas arrival? Or does he not only bring presents, but also rain?

Floris Lafeber, meteorologist at WeerOnline.nlsays that Santa better put on a waterproof miter, because the weather models predict a wet weekend.

Mild but rainy

This year, Sinterklaas will arrive in Zoetermeer on Saturday, November 18. He arrives in the Stadshart at 11 a.m. and travels via the shopping center towards Dorpsstraat. There will then be an afternoon-filling program. The temperature is mild in the afternoon at around 14 degrees. Floris: “The chance of a dry Sinterklaas arrival is quite small, especially in the center and north of the country it will rain a lot. In the south it does not stay dry either and there are regular showers. It is wise to take an umbrella with you to the arrival.”

More about the arrival in Zoetermeer

  • Do it, Sinterklaas Zoetermeer

On Saturday, November 18, Sinterklaas will travel to the center of Zoetermeer. The program of…
