Woman robbed at home and threatened with firearm after carnival night

A woman was robbed on Saturday night in the porch of her house in the Eikenlaan in Roosendaal. She was threatened with a firearm by a man and woman between midnight and 2 a.m.

The woman was returning from an evening of carnival when she was forced inside by the two robbers just in front of her house. She had to hand over all kinds of valuables under threat of the weapon.

Then the robbers disappeared, the woman was left behind in shock.

The man is estimated to be around 40 years old. He is slim, was wearing a gray vest at the time of the robbery and has short cropped hair. He spoke poor English.

The woman is about 1.70 meters tall. She has blond hair that she wore in a ponytail on Saturday night. She was wearing a white fleece house suit at the time of the robbery. She spoke Dutch.
