V-Sync, FreeSync, G-Sync: How does the technology work?

November 7th, 2023, 4:40 p.m. |
Reading time: 5 minutes

Anyone who deals with graphics cards or computer monitors is bound to stumble across a lot of technical vocabulary. An important term here is V-Sync or FreeSync and G-Sync. But what is it anyway and does it mean one and the same thing?

When gaming, the image may suddenly appear torn and show streaks. This not only looks unsightly, but in the worst case scenario it can significantly disrupt the gaming experience. This effect is called “screen tearing”, which translates to “screen tearing” – a quite eloquent term. V-Sync, like FreeSync and G-Sync, is a technology that can prevent this effect. But how does it work exactly? TECHBOOK explains the terms and the technology behind them.

Screen tearing effect explained

The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit = graphics processor) specifies the refresh rate in so-called FPS, frames per second. For example, if this value is 60, it means that 60 images per second can be calculated. The higher the FPS value, the smoother the image. A monitor, on the other hand, indicates its so-called refresh rate in Hertz.

However, if the GPU sends, for example, 90 images per second, of which the monitor can only display 60, some of the images sent cannot be constructed correctly. Because while the monitor is still busy uploading the image correctly, the GPU is already sending the next sentence.

Then what is known as screen tearing occurs. The stripe effect that then occurs can be visible both horizontally and vertically. However, the horizontal variant is common. It is also usually the case that the GPU has a higher FPS rate than the monitor Hertz. The opposite case is much rarer and does not lead to such big problems. Only if the FPS rate is significantly lower than the monitor’s Hertz number can the image appear a little jerky.

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How V-Sync and Co. can help with screen tearing

But what should you do if unsightly stripes appear in the picture while watching videos or gaming? Of course, you can also simply buy a new monitor whose refresh rate is adapted to the GPU. Or you can pay attention to hardware that has the so-called V-Sync technology.

How does V-Sync work and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

V-Sync stands for “Vertical Synchronization” and refers to a graphics technology that is used to prevent the phenomenon of “screen tearing” while gaming. V-Sync or vertical synchronization aims to match the GPU’s image output with the monitor’s refresh rate. Incidentally, AMD’s FreeSync and Nvidia’s G-Sync are two different implementations of this technology.

To do this, V-Sync limits the frame rate of the GPU to match the refresh rate of the monitor. It is then regulated downwards. So-called adaptive V-Sync can also prevent the opposite effect. If the FPS rate falls below the refresh rate of the monitor due to V-Sync, the calculation is adjusted in the same way.

To compensate for the screen tearing effect, V-Sync technology uses a so-called image buffer. For this purpose, the images that the monitor is supposed to output at the end are, so to speak, pre-produced. This isn’t a problem in single-player games. However, if you want to play multiplayer titles, you have to expect minimal delays in image playback when V-Sync is switched on.

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FreeSync from AMD

The major graphics card manufacturers AMD and Nvidia each use V-Sync technology, but in an individual form. AMD FreeSync uses the Adaptive Sync standard and creates dynamic communication between your GPU and a FreeSync-enabled monitor.

When the GPU’s frame rate fluctuates, FreeSync dynamically adjusts the monitor’s refresh rate to prevent screen tearing. FreeSync is cost-effective because it does not require specialized hardware modules in monitors, making it more accessible to a wider range of users.

G-Sync from Nvidia

G-Sync is Nvidia’s proprietary technology and requires specialized hardware in both the monitor and GPU. Similar to FreeSync, G-Sync dynamically synchronizes the GPU’s frame rate and the monitor’s refresh rate. In contrast to AMD’s technology, G-Sync is more finely graded and completely eliminates screen tearing and stuttering.

Both AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync improve the gaming experience by preventing screen tearing through adaptive synchronization. FreeSync is open standard and can be found in many modern monitors and televisions. However, unlike proprietary G-Sync technology, FreeSync only reduces screen tearing – and does not prevent it entirely.

When does hardware with V-Sync become worthwhile?

Whether you should invest in devices with the appropriate technology obviously depends largely on your individual needs. In the video sector, reasonably modern monitors should be able to handle most content. The bigger problem lies in the gaming sector. New games also require ever higher performance from the graphics card and this is usually accompanied by a constant increase in the necessary FPS rate.

So if you want the most unrestricted gaming experience possible with a smooth picture without streaks, you will have to upgrade your hardware at some point. Then a V-Sync capable device can be cheaper than a monitor with a lot of Hertz. However, if you play a lot of online games, you should consider the minimal time delay that can occur and, if necessary, use a monitor with the appropriate Hertz values.
