Also agreements about mobile phones in primary schools and in specialized education | News item

News item | 07-11-2023 | 11:00

In primary education and (secondary) special (primary) education, mobile phones, tablets and smartwatches will soon no longer be allowed in the classroom. This is because they are distracting and cause students to perform worse. Minister Mariëlle Paul (Primary and Secondary Education) has agreed this with the Primary and Secondary Education Council, LBVSO, Sector Council GO, AVS, Siméa, VIVIS and Stem van de vso-pupil.

No, unless…

Primary schools and schools in specialized education thus join the agreement that was already made with secondary schools before the summer. Mobile phones may only be used if they are necessary for the content of the lesson, for example in a lesson on media literacy. And if students are dependent on it, for example for medical reasons or because of a disability.

To protect

Minister Paul: “Many children have a mobile phone from an early age. That is why I am pleased that we have now agreed for all schools that mobile phones are in principle no longer allowed in the classroom. In this way we protect the students, while it remains possible to use a mobile phone if really necessary. No more cell phones in the classroom provides clarity for everyone. We have noticed in secondary education that it quickly gets used to and gives students and teachers peace of mind.”

Specialized education

In (secondary) special (primary) education, these agreements may mean that mobile phones will be used in class more often than in other schools. It is important that these schools make good agreements with their employees, parents and students so that it is clear to everyone what is not allowed.


In the near future, it will be up to all schools to discuss with teachers, students and their parents what exactly the banning of mobile phones from the classroom will look like. The agreements will then officially take effect in the new school year (2024-2025). In secondary education, this will already happen in January 2024. There are many schools that have already banned mobile phones from the classroom in recent times. It will be evaluated at a later time whether the agreements made have the desired effect or whether a legal ban is still necessary.
