Museum of Things is moving

Employee Emil carries a moving box through the corridors of the museum

Employee Emil carries a moving box through the corridors of the museum Photo: Britta Pedersen/dpa

From BZ/dpa

The Museum der Dinge is packing up and the Werkbund Archive has to clear its exhibition space in Kreuzberg. In May things will continue on Leipziger Straße for the time being.

The owner, a real estate fund from Luxembourg, has terminated the premises on Oranienstrasse after 16 years. Sunday is the last day of opening.

An Elvis bust is also part of the museum's inventory

An Elvis bust is also part of the museum’s inventory
Photo: Britta Pedersen/dpa

The Werkbund Archive with the Museum of Things sees itself as a contact point for people “who want to critically examine the design, production and use of products in our living environment”.

The holdings include around 15,000 objects, the Werkbund archive with more than 45,000 documents and an extensive library. The museum and archive contain objects from design history as well as things from everyday culture.

After the move, which was funded with around 680,000 euros, the around 20,000 visitors annually will be able to visit the museum and archive in the rooms of a smaller interim solution on Leipziger Straße from May 2024. After that, it will move to new pavilions on Karl-Marx-Allee in 2027.


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