the key to the radiator to avoid being cold (or spending a fortune)

11/04/2023 at 1:07 p.m.


Many people use a boiler and this leads to the use of radiators in all rooms of the house. But how to turn on radiators to save money?

Are we sure we know how to turn on the radiators correctly to save money? Specific, Should you keep them on all the time or use them intermittently as needed? Let’s see some information on this topic.

The cold months have arrived, so it’s definitely time to think about the heating. It cannot be missing in every house and everyone chooses the one most appropriate to their needs.

Many people use a boiler and this leads to the use of radiators in all rooms of the house. But how to turn on radiators to save money? The Cbills of invoices in recent months are cause for concern. Therefore, it is normal for people to look for strategies or tricks to deal with the cold months without spending too much money and, at the same time, stay warm.

In reality, it would be enough to know the correct way to turn on the radiators, and in this we can provide very useful information.

The function of radiators

The boiler is connected to the house’s radiators. The device produces hot water and sends it directly to the radiators. These, filled with hot water, heat themselves and the surroundings.

The boiler can be electric or wood burning. The process can also be reversed, that is, the water returns to the boiler, which heats it and so on. However, every year you have to consider maintaining the entire system.

In particular, radiators and pipes must be kept clean, and check the valves of each radiator.

How to turn on the radiators to save: so there are no doubts

A person can logically think of turning on the radiators only at night or in the coldest hours to give a little heat to the house and then turning them off. A few hours would mean little consumption. Actually, it is not like that.

Turning on air conditioners intermittently looks like this: the drastic drop in temperature when they are turned off. Consequently, they have to make a lot of effort when turned on to return to a satisfactory temperature.

This effort represents a high energy consumption and, consequently, a fairly high cost on the invoice. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the boiler due to temperature fluctuations.

The best is Leave the radiators on constantly in winter at low temperatures. If necessary, on especially cold days, the temperature can be raised through the thermostat 1 or 2 degrees, although without exaggeration.

In this way, the boiler will work with minimal effort and will allow the house to always be at a mild temperature. Besides, the walls will always be warm and there will be no risk of damaging spikes to your equipment or your wallet.

How to bleed the radiator

What exactly does the purging process entail? radiators? In essence, it is about eliminating air bubbles trapped in the system, which carry risks for the optimal functioning of the safety devices. heating. Although many systems heating Modern ones incorporate automatic drains, there are others that require manual draining. These air bubbles tend to form during spring and summer, when the heating is not in use. Therefore, it is advisable to learn how to carry out this process before winter arrives to avoid complications.

The first step involves checking for gurgling noises in the air ducts. radiator. If you cannot hear them, touch the top of the radiator to determine if it is colder than the bottom. These signs are indicative of the need to bleed the radiator, and it is advisable to check them a few days before turning on the central heating to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Once you have confirmed that your radiator needs purging, follow these steps. Make sure the heating is turned off before starting. Air bubbles tend to accumulate at the top of the radiator when it is cold. It is advisable to start with the radiator closest to the boiler, as this follows the natural flow of the water.

Next, place a container under the valve of the radiator, since that is where the water will fall during the purging process. Use a screwdriver to turn the valve key. When opening the radiator, you will notice the water coming out along with the air, which may have an unpleasant odor due to the time it has been trapped. When the water flows evenly and continuously, this indicates that all the air has been removed. Repeat this process on all radiators of the house.
